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A Roller Coaster Ride of a Crime Story on the Gritty Streets of Philadelphia

By Kyle John Janison on October 20, 2014 ( Review)


Steven Grosso continues his series of Benny Steele detective novels with a tale that shows he’s grown significantly as a writer. “Divine” tells the tale of Benny’s search for the killer of a young attorney in Philadelphia but with style. The plot is far more sophisticated than the first Benny Steel novel, the excellent “The Highway,” and Grosso better captures the grit and setting of the story’s setting – wintry cold Philadelphia. Unlike other writers who just replicate the same old storyline, Benny actually grows in his sequel, strengthening his relationship with his female partner and coming to grips with some of his doubts about humanity’s goodness and the meaning of life, issues that trouble him to the point of turning him into an antacid-popping junkie. Definitely grab this book if you’re looking for a good read.

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